We just got back Saturday night from the shows we did with the Band of Horses. All in all, it was a pretty amazing experience- the shows were all very well-attended, the B.O.H. dudes were all super-nice, and their audience seemed genuinely enthusiastic about what we were doing up there. It was also pretty incredible how well we were treated by the venues, and I'd like to thank everyone involved with them for that- the sound crews, hospitality people, management, security people...pretty much everyone who worked at every venue was pleasant to deal with.
Soon I will post some photos. In the meantime, some short bursts-
The Carnegie Hall experience was completely fucking amazing. Holy Shit was it awesome.
The show at House of Blues in North Myrtle Beach. Our best electric set of the tour, and it was super fun to join the Horses on their encore.
Getting to play in front of a bunch of people that had never before seen us in Baltimore, our hometown, who totally loved it and had no idea we'd existed until then.
Playing "Underneath the Arches" as our set closer in Asheville.
Post-show night swimming in North Myrtle.
SHOUTS AND THANKSMeg Baird, Dave Hadley, and Walker Teret for their wonderful playing and singing with us at Carnegie, and before that, the Patterson Theater in Baltimore. Truly magical.
John Lant from Carnegie.
Jimmy, who lives in Asheville now, but is a really good old friend of mine from Maryland days growing up. We stayed at his place and it ruled.
Leslie, another dear friend of mine, with whom we stayed in North Myrtle for two nights. At her parents' BEACH HOUSE. It was amazing.
Raf, who put us up in Wilmington, and his friends that didn't wake us up when we were sleeping and they were still partying on the porch.
Alyssa, who traveled with us, worked the merch table, and took photos. She was absolutely invaluable on this trip and was super mellow and easy to get along with.
Beth, who also helped at the merch table some at a couple of the shows and hung out with us at 3 or 4 of them. Totally chill vibe and lots of fun.
All the dudes in the Band of Horses. Great bunch of guys, and their music kept growing on us as the tour went on. Also, a big shout to their road crew.
Matt Sweeney, who was there for the Carnegie show and lifted the spirits of all.
Mike, Suzie, and Travis (Asheville)
Ron, Wendy, Xhenet, Bettina, Dan's family members, Steve's folks, Millicent, Francesco, and all of our other friends who came to see us at Carnegie.
Ashford, Mark, Kevin, and Emily (North Myrtle).
MY DAD, who came to see us in Baltimore and totally loved it.